sushis again..

Imagine the chefs at my place looks like that. hehe.. i bet they'll speak funny too.
nyahahaha! with the moustache! mygosh. but den my uniform would be more jap i guess. and thats good. sighh.. haha..
so let me tell you what happened ytd. i woke up and saw 12:2? on my alarm clock and i was shocked! coz my work starts at 12. so i immediately set up and started worrying. i wanted to call my company but den its a waste of time coz nobody was answering so i hung up. den my dad called to ask if i want lunch den i told him i need to work and i'm late. so he came to fetch^-^ thank goodness he was in bishan alr. so i bathed and dressed and when i came out he called again saying he was downstairs alr. den i was about to leave and chong called and i kinda yelled 'i'm coming i'm coming! i woke up late sorry byebye.' and he said 'its okay. byebye' and i reach work and punched my card at 12:42. 42mins late. mygosh. haha.. i started work in a hungry mess. tied my hair without a comb. sighh.. luckily my manager wasnt around so nobody scolded me^-^ hehe.. den mama came with a friend. we talked abit only ar. ytd was pretty fun. i ate around 3pm. the guy in charge so dumb nvr ask us to eat ar. so i had to ask him for a break. haha.. den i was eating with two ladies from the kitchen. den one lady very funny. coz they cant really speak english and she just learnt to cook teriyaki chicken. so the auntie ask what she learnt today den de lady reply 'ter ter dono what chicken ar' den she described the process of cooking it. den de auntie ask teriyaki chicken ar? den de lady ask me teriyaki chicken ar? like i know. hahaha.. den de lady say the new incharge like blurblur one. but the way she say was like blurpblurp so i started laughing. i'm sorry. but its so funny!
den i was eavesdropping on a coversation between two lady customers. they were gossiping about their friend who had sex with her bf and broke up with him to patch up with her ex called sam. this sam is apparently a ladies man, having 3 girls interested with him. and they say he is a touchyfeely kinda guy who hugs girls. den they called one girl a 'people-whore' i love this word! so this 'people-whore' goes around talking to the important people to make herself more important. hmmm.. kinda reminds me of a friend? hehe.. and then there is another girl friend of theirs who goes around telling people about her having sex with her bf in a public toilet. drama seh this people! haha..but they ladies very nice. coz i was serving them the whole while so when they left they actually turned around to say thanks to me. but a compliment would be better ar. haha.. den chong say i very serious at work. coz i always stand at the same place den will stand in the 'serdiya?' position. den he posed a slack position where his body is leaning against the counter and his arms are on the counter and his legs kinda crossed. kinda like a model pose. haha.. so lame la. its kinda like that
so dumb right? den coz he sick den he keep telling the auntie he headache. den the auntie smack his head again.den start nagging at him. say who ask him dont see doctor. den de auntie mimicked him leh! she yawn and say ' tao tiah' which means headache in hokkien. de aunty like him ar. hehe..
den de guy who taught me how to serve on my 2nd day of work. called desmond. he came with balloons and asked if we know how to twist balloons. so i went to play ar. coz i lazy work. hehe.. but den i scared to twist so i stop doing after i did one. haha.. lousy hor?:( but the ballons are a mess ar. coz they kids dont bother to take them away. they play alr den throw it at our place. den de service crew (me) gotta clear. after work the 'failure' chef took de balloon and wear la! den he 'piuupiuu' like ultraman using powers. so stupid! de aunty and me kept laughing. so lame.
den got once i entered de kitchen den desmond call me aunty and everyone laughed. den de fierce chef start calling me aunty. den de fat chef was cooking teppan outside den he ask me ask uncle to take de sukiyaki sauce. so i went in and yell uncle! den de fierce chef was there den he stare at me. den i laugh. who ask him call me aunty! hmph. but it wasnt him i was supposed to call so i say not him and talked to the uncle. i think ytd was a pretty crazy day.
oh yea den xueyang was working in the afternoon. den got one group of kids came to eat the buffet. den xy suddenly ask me 'do guys always look at you?' den i 'ermmm.. i dono' den he say 'you confirm got notice one loe' den i say 'i suppose' den he say 'understandable' den he 'as a fellow girl i think i should tell you this ar' den he gets all uncomfortable and said nevermind. den after that he said its coz got one kid keep staring at me. he so funny la. so childish yet he looks so man with his muscles and according to him he has 6pecs. bby jealous? haha..
ohyes. den when we closing at the end of the day. den gotta clear the plates and stuff ma. den chong clear two tables at once ma den he used two tubs and they weigh a ton! so i say i help him take one la. den he say no need, take two at one time can le. thank you ar! den i say i cannot la! den he laugh and carried them both! den i say i help you ar! you sick leh.. den he say nevermind i'm a man. den i start laughing. de way he say nevermind very funny! got tune de. like de blurpblurp den lady say. haha..den after that we were clearing another table den i left the tub of the chair instead of the table den chong started throwing papers inside. den he say i sharpshooter. so lame ar! den i wanna clear the tub den he said the nevermind again. den i laugh and say coz you're a man. haha.. so dumb ar. sighh.. bbybby would be able to carry the two at once oso lor. i realise girls and guys are differnt ar. no matter what guys are still stronger. quite a worrying thought. haha..
bby go watch this!
its like some power rangers advertisement. hahaha.. but ruki's voice so sexy ar! mygosh. *swoons* why you dont have his voice. sighh.. i dont like you le. hehe.. imagine you got his voice. i'll get goosebumps hearing you speak. but den its kinda deep so i probably will have difficulty hearing you. ahahaha..
so sleepy now. waiting for you........
posted by SpoinkAgeat
kiss my ass

suffering from indigestion. ate a hell lot today. namely stingray, sotong, kangkong, 2bowls of rice and satay chicken and beef plus a gigantic cup of lime juice. delicious!!^-^ fatty too^-^ hehe..
nownow i gotta say i got an eye for awesome stuff. for example visual kei. i gotta thank my lucky star and also fate that had me born under the aquarius constellation as i gotta say i am unique. though many of the previous people in my life had turned a cold shoulder to my interest in visual kei and might i say some even showed disgust towards them, my fortitude has payed off as i have found people who shared my passion and i call this people my friends. yay!! samesame wor! hehe..
i love visual kei's genre of music. unique and awesome. brings out the best in me. i'm happy that i dont belong to the common group of girls who are into taiwanese or korean boybands with their sixpecs and fancy dance moves or the other group that are into the blue eyed, blong hair white guys. nahh i'll pass. sixpecs or not, this people are way too common. see Johnny Depp? not common. unique and funny. i wonder if bby feels insulted or pleased with my unique taste. hehe.. i guess i'm attracted to guys who are girlish cute or plainass bad. but humour is a necessity for any attraction to start. hehe.. bbybby funny hor? kinda find this pointless..
i guess if my parents were like the hack care type, i would have turned goth lolita a looooong time ago. plus i would smoke, sadly. wonder how would i look.. and i would so get a piercing like Ruki. the enlarged hole with a ring inside the ring. cool!! so awesome. den i would give de finger to anyone who pisses me off. damn i wish i had that life.. ohwell. den bby wouldnt like me yea? hehe..
anyway i bought a swimwear! with my ma. hehe.. long time never go shopping with her alr:( i'll say she changed. cant say how but she just isnt the mother that she once was. less strict maybe? i do~no.. hehe! gotta work again tmr. damn i feel like shitting. hehehe!
selfpraising alot. haha.. bby i should get a good book to read ar. dont like to be teased by you so much. sighh.. and i definitely should lift weights. so one day i can beat you at arm wrestling. hehe.. i strong hor? you so lucky got crazy me to be your bundle of joy! nyahaha!! okay i gotta sleep already tmr work wor baby!
posted by SpoinkAgeat
back to bbt..

cute hor de cup? but not i draw de:( haha..
so yesterday i was working at the bubble tea shop and it was frigging busy that i got pissed and was thinking to myself that i'm not gonna work de next day. but me being de nice person that i am have promised to help out and seeing boss sick i decided to just help another day. ytd i worked about 5hrs and got paid $25:) hehe.. it has been a long time and some regulars still rmb me^-^ haha.. den ytd i met the funny gangster and his two friends. for now they shall be referred to as funny, monkey and the other.
monkey: hey long time never see you. i want one... milo packet.
den he turns to the other and ask what he wants.
monkey:and one more lemon barley cup.
den funny tells monkey he wants a ice lemon tea packet.
monkey:*looking at the drinks*and one more ice lemon tea packet. EH! where got ice lemon tea?!
den funny and the other started laughing (me too) its so stupid la. they always so crazy.
hmmmm den i met ulric and told him i know xueyang his primary school friend. haha..
OHYA! uncle say his brother working for sakae sushi thompson oso you know!! like freaky... everyone there is related somehow. like lost! eeeee... but i never meet uncle's bro Mike yet. phoosh. the aunties say i lost weight le. must be sakae make me tired and lose weight ar. haha.. or maybe i miss someone den sad den lost weight. hehe.. oso ppl has been saying that i'm pretty lately. ego-boost! hehehe.. thursday! go buy swimming costume with mum den evening go dinner at ChompChompChompChomp yumyum^-^ hahaha.. happy!
this morning i was trying to open a container where my ma keep de milo powder in, den i tore my middle finger's skin. den got blood:( and worse is i didnt need to open it coz i have a tin of milo outside. sighh.. got injured for nothing.
hmm... time will be flying pretty fast for the next few weeks. cant wait for school to start. getting quite tired of working life. really tiring. emotionally and physically. right bbybby? :P hehe..
gotta eat lunch and bathe le. so sad my life. haha.. wonder how much i'll get paid. i feel like sleeping.. cant wait for tmr's feast. alright den i'll be going.
posted by SpoinkAgeat
my life till now

me. with my funny hair in zhss on my bday. o'level results day
i'm holding a present of jc pins collected by my friends.
unique present.
so ermm hello batman!
about my few days at work while you were gone.
i'm liking my manager^-^ pretty nice ar she. hehehe..
got one night after work i was talking to chong and xueyang.
den xy say chong got smoke den i say i oso. hahaha!!
den de next night florence offered chong a stick den chong offered me. but well i dont smoke so i reject. den florence offered me oso. haha.. she very cute la. coz she asked me where i study den xy say i nvr study alr. i bad girl. den i say ya. coz i marrying a rich man. so no need study alr. den she shocked and say she pity herself. haha.. cute la. hmmm.. work is quite fun. i've been assigned to do teppanyaki den always no business de so i must go hand out flyers. den everytime i go give out will meet ppl i know de. first time was my pri school friend jane. den some man that i think is my exboss's friend. familiar face cant quite place. den ytd was the malay gangster's friend. sighh.. hahah. stupid guy got such an amused expression on his face. well den ytd at like 8 plus suddenly got alot of ppl. den de chef scold me coz i make him have to cook until like 9.50 and he suppose to finish work at 10. sorry! hehehe.. den de auntie audrey kpo la. she give a little boy sweet den de mother not happy and took it away den de chef look at me and laugh. den i oso cant control la. idiot! den he say 'that's called act smart' in dialect. den audrey anyhow push de chairs when actually got ppl sit de. den become no space for the ppl to sit. den de chef stare at her den she shrug. kpo again. den i gotta push it back. sighh.. haha.. den ytd got two new guys. from nyp de. year1s oso. i gotta say xy learns damn fast. i so lousy la. coz i nvr study de menu le. hehe.. i very blur at work ar. but at least i try my best^-^ ninini.. ohya! xy say i very skinny. that guy blind ar. right bby? hahaha.. hmmm den got one inside chef call me 江湖美人(jiang hu mei ren) means something like ermm a world class beauty? haha.. den he ask me how old am i. den i say 17 den he say i so young. den he say nvm in a few years i would grow up. den i laugh coz it sounds so ridiculous. den he say last time he study poly but drop out coz he's a failure. like so sad ar. but his expressions very cute. i dono how to say. maybe its his eyebrow and de small eyes. make he look funnily cute. >.< hahaha.. den.. nothing much le lor. hmmm.. yup nothing le. okay done!
posted by SpoinkAgeat

good afternoon. this is sakae sushi thompson plaza sonia speaking.
gonna go korea on oct 4-11^-^ bon voyage me!
ermm den my GPA got 3.250. yay? no A's but okay la hor?
den.. ppl in my workplace.
audrey- an auntie who is quitting
fam? yiting- a m'sian girl.
another auntie i dono de name
mingfang- an NYP senior.
(chong) waihao- ermm i forgot what poly. cashier. learning from him
xueyang- same poly as chong. newbie like me^-^
benedict- 20yr old dude who is already married and have a kid! O_O
alvin- 19yo dude in some poly. np i think. so chong is sp? ahhh... ???
irwin- think he graduated from tp. yea..
anymore?? dont think so.
den got florence de manager and sheryll de supervisor.
andy de rider. OH got another guy.
callum- de one who dont talk. hahaha..
work is pretty boring but yea i'm good.
cant wait for school to start. dont really feel like talking bout work. coz its not really a happy thing.
okay forget it.
the end!!
posted by SpoinkAgeat
really long~

do i love muttons or do i love azlan?
azlan. but i like muttons alot ar.their humour. sigh..
Justin said this insult:you're so ugly that when you ask
your dad where did you come from, he said SPCA!
and your head's so small that when you get your ears
pierced you died. hehehe^-^
anyway.. promised bby that i'll take a photo of meself
in uniform when i start working. tnah! on top. hehe..
you know.. after 3days of not meeting, i thought i'll be damn fine without him. nope.. wrong. i so miss him. so so badly. its like.. not seeing him for 6days straight. ohwait! i havent seen him for 6days straight. yea. damn. cant believe i can still be here typing this crap. dont even feel like going online since he aint there. checking my phone every minute just in case he msged but i didnt feel it. and when i received a msg and am too busy to read i get so damn frantic and distracted from my work. what's gonna happen to me when he goes ns i wonder. yea. he in camp and fasting makes it worse for the me who is busy with work. sighh.. me with night shifts means can't meet le. yea.
anyway.. on monday i think. monday? yea probably. we went sentosa. we as in my class HS0804 and not we with him. yea. went palawan beach play volleyball frisbee and captain's ball. it has been like a year since i played with a ball? yea. haha.. such memories. sentosa food really very ex ar. den after that, that as in eating, we go siloso. play more and since got a club nearby with music blasting, ppl had to dance. yea i admit i moved a littlelittle bit. music makes my muscle twitch. music makes some ppl get spasms or fits. or whatever. yea. not me ar! haha? den ppl swim and stuff blahblah.. den we go eat dinner at cineleisure and guess what.. i had to be home by 7 and it was alr 8! oops. coz got insurance agent waiting for my p-flower signature and i forgot. poor dude. i'm so sorry. anyway now, if i die, my family gets 150,000 i think. haha.. wooo! i should just die now. for my family. that is they give like 20% to bby. hehehe.. gotta say not bad la class bonding. at least got activity to rmb. yea.
ohyes. work. got no time to tell by bout this part yet.. BBY READ HERE!!
okay here goes. started on ytd. tuesday ba. yup. den actually i very happy ar. coz clear plates hor got one big tub de so very easy. wont drop. BUT today some big boss come say CANNOT! so too bad.. cant use tub unless its weekends. SHIT! so yea. got this dude. man. hahaha. ermm he teach me lots of stuff la. techniques. so i taught he was like so nice! den he whispered THE LADY is gonna test you in 2 days. ticktockticktock. SHIT! so today i tried carrying with tray lor. doing pretty fine ar. but de kitchen kinda cram and de chawanmushi ojiji always block my way and i shy to say sumimasen. excuse me. so yea i will wait till he notice i'm there. cant blame me la. ojiji limping leh. cannot keep asking him to move neh? ohyea i pretty happy working there since me being a nihon fan!! i know some songs and can actually hum to them^-^ shiawase~ first day i got to try de 3 types of chawan made by ojiji den after work got sushi and another chawan to eat. mygosh. calories. another c word i forgot. that can cause heartattack de. yea. today work till 5.30 nia but got to eat a gyoza during lunch. WOOO! yea. and got some ppl try frying de garlic rice at the teppan there so got alot den we eat oso. like dog hor? unwanted food we eat. but the food not bad ar. tmr night shift again so maybe got food? but the apparently strict manager is gonna come so hmmm.. maybe not. i wanna get nicer black shoes. currently wearing my sis's shoes. too big ar. haha.. *i need to pee but later ar* oh yes. i like here coz no need pin hair! wehehehe~ den can chat with ppl too so ROCKS! kinda ba. hope miss strict wont ruin my little ray of sunlight. so the workers here are.. i have no idea! dono de names ar. but i know sheryll. manager. nice lady. hehehe.. den a kinda weird girl. service crew. talks alot but got speech probs. loves to translate what manager says into chinese for me. i suppose she's kind but ermm too much is irritating yea.. sorry. but she poor thing ar. dont think she's that bright and her dad beat her coz she make her umbrella spoil! how dare he. hmph. den got aunties. one english super good and another english ermm.. hmmm.. not that good ar. yea. got 2 boys today. one is de dude i met at briefing which i lent umbrella to and he returned. another is some dude who came like only 3hrs? just to help out during rush hour. awesome that dude. he be de runner and he good ar. i like no need help de. hehheh. den got a girl but i dono her ar. didnt work with her. de english auntie say she good at ass kissing. ooo~ hehehe.. guess i wont be seeing her much since she work 2 days nia. yup. i think i will be meeting more ppl tmr. got one call benedict! yummy~~ asif. hehehe.. ninini. waiting for bby to msg me. i guess that's pretty much my work experience for the 2 days. gotta learn to write fast and keep a steady hand. go me! hope that LADY wont be too harsh. but judging from her face and bad command of language, bet she be a real biatch! but still i shall try my best. oosh!
let's not forget that my sis birthday is less than 30minutes away.
BUT tmr i working till 10 and she'll be asleep so cant celebrate. and no present for her too. :( sorry sissy. last year i oso nvr give leh.. sighh.. make me seem so stingy. ohwell. my family planning to go holiday but dad had to be a scrooge and grouch everytime we choose a nicer place to go coz its expensive. he dare mention JAPAN and den complain its ex. he keep suggesting den grouch when my ma go check up on the places he suggested. coz ex. den suggest for what la! of course JAPAN ex can.. still dare tell me maybe we go JAPAN. RAWR!! >.<>
alright. i go pee le okay bby? love you! we talk next time.
posted by SpoinkAgeat
a child.
posted by SpoinkAgeat
animes & mangas
absolute boyfriendakanechan overdrive amaenaideyo!amaenaideyo! katsu!as the death god dictatesbaby it's youbaby popbitter virgincardcaptor sakuraclannaddear school gang leaderfairytailfamily compofruits basketgirls saurusgold rush 21hello babyhigh school of the deadkarinkatekyo hitman rebornkekkaishimarnanano braone pieceouran high school host clubparadise kissrecrozen maidenspecial Aspicy pinkvampire knightwantedyankeekun to meganechanpretty facetoday in class 5-2train manyou're my girlfriend
posted by SpoinkAgeat
curse the idiot.

today i went to Woodlands SATA to get my medical checkup.
so i was at the counter and i was about to pay when i realise
hey how come i only got $20? i'm sure i didnt spend my money.
well i didnt. someone took it! ARGHHHHHH!!! $50!!!! T_T
it was ytd when i went to APEXPAL for my briefing.
den the lady ask me to try out the uniform size.
stupid me left my wallet in the room when there is only one malay dude.
and that bitch took $50 from me.
and i didnt realise that bitch took $50 from me.
stupid me.
damn i should have trusted my first instincts.
when i saw the dude i was like hmmm scary..
den he talk to me. den i was like okay with him ar.
damn it. do i look naive or dumb. i feel so insulted.
when i going toilet i stopped to think if i should take my thing.
damn me for not doing it. WHAT THE HELL!!
oh well today went stool test and injection.
den injecter very nice ar
cute guy^-^ he speaks funny. haha.
last time i go checkup oso saw him.
last time he oso speak funny.
FIFTY can buy bob a hoodie. nice one too.
pescados? yea. *sulks*
sighh.. i've been too reliant on bob alr.
such a bad start to my working experience.
the end!!
posted by SpoinkAgeat

hello there. just went to sakae sushi for a job interview.
the manager say she'll call me today or by tmr so yay?
a job at last. ohyea and i went to a pet shop.
they asked me to go back tmr to tryout but the pay is 3.5 only!
so nope. sayonara to the pet shop.
though its kinda nice to work with dogs..
anyway on my way back home. on the bus,
there was this man who opened a can of beer
and started drinking.. no food and/or drinks allowed yea?
den.. he blew his nose. no tissue. just sprayed all the
gold in his nose out. everywhere. OMG! so gross..
and there was a lady behind him, or auntie to be more exact.
she was scratching furiously at a scratchcard thing.
those you can buy at the singapore pools shop? yea.
i feel sad for myself.. why wasnt i born in japan?
those people really made singaporean chinese look bad.
gamble, alcohol, dialect vulgarities. and bad manners.
always chinese. maybe coz chinese is singapore's majority
but like muslims arent supposed to gamble or drink alcohol
which makes them so much better than chinese.
i'm not against gambling or alcohol but seriously
such bad manners makes me sick.
so why i wanna be born in japan?
coz the people are cuter^-^
coz the people can live longer^-^
coz the people are more open-minded^-^
coz the people are more well-mannered^-^
coz the culture there is more deep^-^
coz the scenery there is more awesome^-^
coz the things there are more original^-^
coz i dont gotta give a shit about what i wear to 'fit in'
i miss bby.. fasting month and camps.. damn.
hurry up and be over please? pretty please?
meanwhile i'll work hard^-^ love you!
posted by SpoinkAgeat