my life till now

me. with my funny hair in zhss on my bday. o'level results day
i'm holding a present of jc pins collected by my friends.
unique present.
so ermm hello batman!
about my few days at work while you were gone.
i'm liking my manager^-^ pretty nice ar she. hehehe..
got one night after work i was talking to chong and xueyang.
den xy say chong got smoke den i say i oso. hahaha!!
den de next night florence offered chong a stick den chong offered me. but well i dont smoke so i reject. den florence offered me oso. haha.. she very cute la. coz she asked me where i study den xy say i nvr study alr. i bad girl. den i say ya. coz i marrying a rich man. so no need study alr. den she shocked and say she pity herself. haha.. cute la. hmmm.. work is quite fun. i've been assigned to do teppanyaki den always no business de so i must go hand out flyers. den everytime i go give out will meet ppl i know de. first time was my pri school friend jane. den some man that i think is my exboss's friend. familiar face cant quite place. den ytd was the malay gangster's friend. sighh.. hahah. stupid guy got such an amused expression on his face. well den ytd at like 8 plus suddenly got alot of ppl. den de chef scold me coz i make him have to cook until like 9.50 and he suppose to finish work at 10. sorry! hehehe.. den de auntie audrey kpo la. she give a little boy sweet den de mother not happy and took it away den de chef look at me and laugh. den i oso cant control la. idiot! den he say 'that's called act smart' in dialect. den audrey anyhow push de chairs when actually got ppl sit de. den become no space for the ppl to sit. den de chef stare at her den she shrug. kpo again. den i gotta push it back. sighh.. haha.. den ytd got two new guys. from nyp de. year1s oso. i gotta say xy learns damn fast. i so lousy la. coz i nvr study de menu le. hehe.. i very blur at work ar. but at least i try my best^-^ ninini.. ohya! xy say i very skinny. that guy blind ar. right bby? hahaha.. hmmm den got one inside chef call me 江湖美人(jiang hu mei ren) means something like ermm a world class beauty? haha.. den he ask me how old am i. den i say 17 den he say i so young. den he say nvm in a few years i would grow up. den i laugh coz it sounds so ridiculous. den he say last time he study poly but drop out coz he's a failure. like so sad ar. but his expressions very cute. i dono how to say. maybe its his eyebrow and de small eyes. make he look funnily cute. >.< hahaha.. den.. nothing much le lor. hmmm.. yup nothing le. okay done!
posted by SpoinkAgeat