
hello there. just went to sakae sushi for a job interview.
the manager say she'll call me today or by tmr so yay?
a job at last. ohyea and i went to a pet shop.
they asked me to go back tmr to tryout but the pay is 3.5 only!
so nope. sayonara to the pet shop.
though its kinda nice to work with dogs..
anyway on my way back home. on the bus,
there was this man who opened a can of beer
and started drinking.. no food and/or drinks allowed yea?
den.. he blew his nose. no tissue. just sprayed all the
gold in his nose out. everywhere. OMG! so gross..
and there was a lady behind him, or auntie to be more exact.
she was scratching furiously at a scratchcard thing.
those you can buy at the singapore pools shop? yea.
i feel sad for myself.. why wasnt i born in japan?
those people really made singaporean chinese look bad.
gamble, alcohol, dialect vulgarities. and bad manners.
always chinese. maybe coz chinese is singapore's majority
but like muslims arent supposed to gamble or drink alcohol
which makes them so much better than chinese.
i'm not against gambling or alcohol but seriously
such bad manners makes me sick.
so why i wanna be born in japan?
coz the people are cuter^-^
coz the people can live longer^-^
coz the people are more open-minded^-^
coz the people are more well-mannered^-^
coz the culture there is more deep^-^
coz the scenery there is more awesome^-^
coz the things there are more original^-^
coz i dont gotta give a shit about what i wear to 'fit in'
i miss bby.. fasting month and camps.. damn.
hurry up and be over please? pretty please?
meanwhile i'll work hard^-^ love you!
posted by SpoinkAgeat