kiss my ass

suffering from indigestion. ate a hell lot today. namely stingray, sotong, kangkong, 2bowls of rice and satay chicken and beef plus a gigantic cup of lime juice. delicious!!^-^ fatty too^-^ hehe..
nownow i gotta say i got an eye for awesome stuff. for example visual kei. i gotta thank my lucky star and also fate that had me born under the aquarius constellation as i gotta say i am unique. though many of the previous people in my life had turned a cold shoulder to my interest in visual kei and might i say some even showed disgust towards them, my fortitude has payed off as i have found people who shared my passion and i call this people my friends. yay!! samesame wor! hehe..
i love visual kei's genre of music. unique and awesome. brings out the best in me. i'm happy that i dont belong to the common group of girls who are into taiwanese or korean boybands with their sixpecs and fancy dance moves or the other group that are into the blue eyed, blong hair white guys. nahh i'll pass. sixpecs or not, this people are way too common. see Johnny Depp? not common. unique and funny. i wonder if bby feels insulted or pleased with my unique taste. hehe.. i guess i'm attracted to guys who are girlish cute or plainass bad. but humour is a necessity for any attraction to start. hehe.. bbybby funny hor? kinda find this pointless..
i guess if my parents were like the hack care type, i would have turned goth lolita a looooong time ago. plus i would smoke, sadly. wonder how would i look.. and i would so get a piercing like Ruki. the enlarged hole with a ring inside the ring. cool!! so awesome. den i would give de finger to anyone who pisses me off. damn i wish i had that life.. ohwell. den bby wouldnt like me yea? hehe..
anyway i bought a swimwear! with my ma. hehe.. long time never go shopping with her alr:( i'll say she changed. cant say how but she just isnt the mother that she once was. less strict maybe? i do~no.. hehe! gotta work again tmr. damn i feel like shitting. hehehe!
selfpraising alot. haha.. bby i should get a good book to read ar. dont like to be teased by you so much. sighh.. and i definitely should lift weights. so one day i can beat you at arm wrestling. hehe.. i strong hor? you so lucky got crazy me to be your bundle of joy! nyahaha!! okay i gotta sleep already tmr work wor baby!
posted by SpoinkAgeat