curse the idiot.

today i went to Woodlands SATA to get my medical checkup.
so i was at the counter and i was about to pay when i realise
hey how come i only got $20? i'm sure i didnt spend my money.
well i didnt. someone took it! ARGHHHHHH!!! $50!!!! T_T
it was ytd when i went to APEXPAL for my briefing.
den the lady ask me to try out the uniform size.
stupid me left my wallet in the room when there is only one malay dude.
and that bitch took $50 from me.
and i didnt realise that bitch took $50 from me.
stupid me.
damn i should have trusted my first instincts.
when i saw the dude i was like hmmm scary..
den he talk to me. den i was like okay with him ar.
damn it. do i look naive or dumb. i feel so insulted.
when i going toilet i stopped to think if i should take my thing.
damn me for not doing it. WHAT THE HELL!!
oh well today went stool test and injection.
den injecter very nice ar
cute guy^-^ he speaks funny. haha.
last time i go checkup oso saw him.
last time he oso speak funny.
FIFTY can buy bob a hoodie. nice one too.
pescados? yea. *sulks*
sighh.. i've been too reliant on bob alr.
such a bad start to my working experience.
the end!!
posted by SpoinkAgeat