happiness of being 18!

so being is all about being loved eh?
wednesday i celebrated with Azlan at my workplace.
felt so loved by every of my colleague:)
they were chatting and joking with azlan like we were friends for a long time. haha.. and i got Anna Sui's Flight of Fantasy perfume!! totally sweet~
thursday i celebrated with lingling, xinling, ruiting, chester, jiahui, weijian!
at newyorknewyork and i got de kimmidoll pencilbox, card, keychain, trinketbox and a multi-purpose pouch:) plus a blackforest cake!
friday i celebrated with my NYP friends!! my twin!! and shifu, raorao and yuning!
special appearance sia.. den i shocked. haha.. we went taka's some random fish&chips shop eat. and i bought an adorable cat's rubber stamp that says GAN~ in jap. hahaha..
my AWESOME classmates actuaaly bought a cake for me and twin:) mango madness i tell you. it taste super yummy:) thanks krys!
den at night, qunqun came to find me:) so sweet of her la! but i wasnt wearing bra so i had to rush and wear it. hehe.. so i got a photoframe of me and her, kneehigh stockings! and necklace! looks so elegant.. hope i can pull off the look. haha!
today, many people wished me happy birthday! hehe..
you, ryan my obs friend, qun, twin jervin, corine, cousin eerong, norain!! i think i offended her coz i didnt have her number. oops:( xueyang, zhehan, sheryll, cousin amanda, tasmin my pri sch best friend:), sean, steph wong!! gasps!, jiahui, raorao, farah and lena! long list hor? den i so happy ar.. den today i celebrated with my family:) at a korean restaurant that serves authentic korean food:) nostalgic! at esplanade there. hehe.. nice ar.. den i bought a vans shoe! cuteness~ pretty much like this ar. but it was fun:) and awesome:) oh right! callum my sushi friend, krystal and mayble wished me too on facebook. and irwin of sushi wished me on friendster too:) hope i didnt left out anyone.....
so anyway really excited about the newyear! weee~ okay den. till next time:)
posted by SpoinkAgeat
how long will i remain sane?
how i wanna yell out in pain.. in agony.
with each word that you say to me. it tears my heart open.
i dont wanna move on. but what can i do.
i doubt we'll still love each other after 5yrs.
after your ns. will i still be waiting?
its not that i dont want to.
but by then i would have gone insane.
my life is just rushing down the drain.
each memory of us together makes me shed a litre of tears.
how am i supposed to survive this?
God i prayed. but why dont i feel any better.
i wanna reply to your msg.
telling you that i love you so much.
that i wanna continue loving you.
never giving you up
we were so strong together..
i wanted to immediately reply your msg
tell you that i'll be here for you no matter what.
but wouldnt this be the same as last time?
we should have stopped at that time.
now we've added another year of painful memories.
making it more hard for us to let go.
i dont wanna let go too.
but i have to
i switched off my phone and flung myself on bed
sobbing in my pillow
where we once lay
thank you for respecting my wishes.
thank you for always respecting me.
despite what i did to you.
thank you azlan.
posted by SpoinkAgeat
you light up my life..

this is where it all started.. in school.
all i knew was that i'll be happy being with you.
i didnt care about anything.
anything but being with you.
nothing else mattered to me.
nothing but my family.
so it had to end.
i'm sorry that you've to experience this twice.
twice it was my fault.
it was my fault too that we started.
i brought you this pain.
but i hope that the pleasures of our memories can atone for my wrongs.
you were my pride. my joy.
the happiness that i've been seeking.
but sometimes people have to sacrifice their happiness for something greater.
its too bad that i have to sacrificed your happiness too.
i sincerely pray that you'll have a better life without me.
be it temporarily or permanently, i am glad to have been loved by you.
very very honoured to be loved by you.
i hope you understand that my family has loved me longer
and i should not be ungrateful.
for my ma to forgive me twice on breaking her trust,
i dont want to break it again.
its not like i cant hide from her again but how much will that say about my character?
i hope you understand.
and should God allow us to be together again in the future,
i promise i'll never make you sad again.
if we're meant to be, one day we'll be together again.
let us concentrate on what is in front of us now.
daddylove, i was true to you till the end.
should we not live happily ever after together,
i pray that you'll have your happiy ever after.
thank you for everything.
love, sonia.
posted by SpoinkAgeat

i'm growing older:(
despite so, i realised that i've grown more mature and more aware of the imprtance of money. sighh.. last time i used to think that as long as i reach 18, i can take my license already.. BUT now that i'm turning 18, i don't think i can afford for a license. wonder if i should ask my dad to pay for me. but i realise that it is not that important too. coz i won't be able to get a car so what's good about a license right? currently my facebook has 99 friends. but i dont even keep regular contact me 9 of them ar. besides my mom, sis, classmates of NYP, and azlan, the rest i rarely keep in touch with them. sadly. only during occassions (ie. bdays) den we'll meet up. but anyway azlan found a JOB!! weee~ means we'll be able to spend less wisely. so much for knowing the importance of money. hehe! been so tired these few days.. all thanks to the man projects. 1 microecons, 1 management, 1 oral comm, 2 web sharepoint. whoawhoa!! not to mention the stats and afa tests recently. DRAINING! den still got work and CNY. visitings.. sobs:( haha.. being busy makes you miss people more. i miss so many people. mostly its azlan i miss but still i miss alot of people. like blur, china, thats all. HAHA!! nah.. den my pri school friends. sos:( haha.. ytd my group went to film a short clip for our econs project. den in the clim i was supposed to fall. i fell 3times!! on the grass. and it cut me!! den now my leg got alot of little cuts and rash like things. but its healing so nevemind. haha.. time has been passing so quickly i'm so afraid that my poly years would end. it is so much fun! quite ar anyway. cant wait for bby to start working den we'll not only be able to eat in school together, but also eat after work! woo~ hehe.. so romantic to eat after work! like married couples having supper together. nice! ^-^ i think i relate weird things to weird stuff. like walking home together is also married life to me. haha.. CNY!! i havent buy new year clothes but i do have a set of untouched clothes in my closet. i wanna buy dress ar! but no time go shopping with family:( i'm like always at home but stuck on the computer de. like now. alright den. i'm gonna go alr. till next time!
posted by SpoinkAgeat
stuck on pets..

alala.. look at that incredible cuteness!!
kunikubachin and milo together sleeping. hehe..
innocence sia. de owners would be doing way more than that. some more sleep so far. sighh.. hehe! today today!! i went to sentosa with bachin! like finally? after a longlonglongtime.. and we took bus de firsttime today:) weee~ so fun hor? like going holiday together. hehehe.. anyway stuff and stuff all in all we had fun! oh ya and today i got period. haha.. just came. cuteness la the picture! daddy those be our hamsters la! cute leh. hehehe:) ahhh!! cant wait leh.. ponyo ponyo~ hehehe.. i say wanna sleep but still havent sleep:( hehe.. anyway hotmail still sucks for me. my friends sent things to me le den i cant open!! urgh.. i dono what language to choose ar daddy. i like jap ar.. but i love you. hard choice:( what to do huh? haha.. rmb to get from me the pictures of today!
posted by SpoinkAgeat
every couple's dream

i believe its every couple's dream to one day marry and have beautiful kids.. if you're attached and not feeling that way.. den i feel sad for you. i believe that love isnt a game. whats the use of finding one after another boyfriend just so you wont be alone when you dont have the intention of settling down. all you're doing is getting hurt and hurting people. thats why i dont believe in sex before marriage too. because if we love each other, there should be the respect of waiting till we're married. but then its a personal thing and many people have their way of doing stuff. many things can happen in our lives, unexpected thing. i want my virginity to be given to my husband and even though i want you to be mine, i wont know what God has planned for me. tell me that you'll wait for me okay? and i promise that i'll do my best to be yours forever..
i read this article at STOMP and wow! this girl was late to meet her bf ar.. den when she reached she cannot find him leh.. den this guy actually asked a few strangers to pass his gf roses. so nice sia!! den she say he not de romantic kind so it was a really big surprise. so nice ar.. haha.. i so lame go stomp read articles on ppl's love story. got so many articles made me cry ar..
posted by SpoinkAgeat