stuck on pets..

alala.. look at that incredible cuteness!!
kunikubachin and milo together sleeping. hehe..
innocence sia. de owners would be doing way more than that. some more sleep so far. sighh.. hehe! today today!! i went to sentosa with bachin! like finally? after a longlonglongtime.. and we took bus de firsttime today:) weee~ so fun hor? like going holiday together. hehehe.. anyway stuff and stuff all in all we had fun! oh ya and today i got period. haha.. just came. cuteness la the picture! daddy those be our hamsters la! cute leh. hehehe:) ahhh!! cant wait leh.. ponyo ponyo~ hehehe.. i say wanna sleep but still havent sleep:( hehe.. anyway hotmail still sucks for me. my friends sent things to me le den i cant open!! urgh.. i dono what language to choose ar daddy. i like jap ar.. but i love you. hard choice:( what to do huh? haha.. rmb to get from me the pictures of today!
posted by SpoinkAgeat