happiness of being 18!

so being is all about being loved eh?
wednesday i celebrated with Azlan at my workplace.
felt so loved by every of my colleague:)
they were chatting and joking with azlan like we were friends for a long time. haha.. and i got Anna Sui's Flight of Fantasy perfume!! totally sweet~
thursday i celebrated with lingling, xinling, ruiting, chester, jiahui, weijian!
at newyorknewyork and i got de kimmidoll pencilbox, card, keychain, trinketbox and a multi-purpose pouch:) plus a blackforest cake!
friday i celebrated with my NYP friends!! my twin!! and shifu, raorao and yuning!
special appearance sia.. den i shocked. haha.. we went taka's some random fish&chips shop eat. and i bought an adorable cat's rubber stamp that says GAN~ in jap. hahaha..
my AWESOME classmates actuaaly bought a cake for me and twin:) mango madness i tell you. it taste super yummy:) thanks krys!
den at night, qunqun came to find me:) so sweet of her la! but i wasnt wearing bra so i had to rush and wear it. hehe.. so i got a photoframe of me and her, kneehigh stockings! and necklace! looks so elegant.. hope i can pull off the look. haha!
today, many people wished me happy birthday! hehe..
you, ryan my obs friend, qun, twin jervin, corine, cousin eerong, norain!! i think i offended her coz i didnt have her number. oops:( xueyang, zhehan, sheryll, cousin amanda, tasmin my pri sch best friend:), sean, steph wong!! gasps!, jiahui, raorao, farah and lena! long list hor? den i so happy ar.. den today i celebrated with my family:) at a korean restaurant that serves authentic korean food:) nostalgic! at esplanade there. hehe.. nice ar.. den i bought a vans shoe! cuteness~ pretty much like this ar. but it was fun:) and awesome:) oh right! callum my sushi friend, krystal and mayble wished me too on facebook. and irwin of sushi wished me on friendster too:) hope i didnt left out anyone.....
so anyway really excited about the newyear! weee~ okay den. till next time:)
posted by SpoinkAgeat