you light up my life..

this is where it all started.. in school.
all i knew was that i'll be happy being with you.
i didnt care about anything.
anything but being with you.
nothing else mattered to me.
nothing but my family.
so it had to end.
i'm sorry that you've to experience this twice.
twice it was my fault.
it was my fault too that we started.
i brought you this pain.
but i hope that the pleasures of our memories can atone for my wrongs.
you were my pride. my joy.
the happiness that i've been seeking.
but sometimes people have to sacrifice their happiness for something greater.
its too bad that i have to sacrificed your happiness too.
i sincerely pray that you'll have a better life without me.
be it temporarily or permanently, i am glad to have been loved by you.
very very honoured to be loved by you.
i hope you understand that my family has loved me longer
and i should not be ungrateful.
for my ma to forgive me twice on breaking her trust,
i dont want to break it again.
its not like i cant hide from her again but how much will that say about my character?
i hope you understand.
and should God allow us to be together again in the future,
i promise i'll never make you sad again.
if we're meant to be, one day we'll be together again.
let us concentrate on what is in front of us now.
daddylove, i was true to you till the end.
should we not live happily ever after together,
i pray that you'll have your happiy ever after.
thank you for everything.
love, sonia.
posted by SpoinkAgeat