monkey see monkey do!
monkey not me monkey you!
WEEHEHEHEHEHE~wow i'm such a poet. hidden talents hidden deep within me.
today.. i ate.. ALOT. yes alot. i mean alot. really really alot. like the words i use to describe alot is alot right? like alot and alot and ALOT wow.. i wonder if being full makes a person feel drunk and high coz krys sure was high.so my alot are:
1 sakae chawanmushi,
1 unagi chawanmushi,
2 cha soba,
1 salmon nigiri sushi,
1 tuna mayo gunkan sushi,
1 egg mayo gunkan sushi,
1 hamachi sashimi,
1 tamago nigiri sushi,
2 salmon karaage,
1 cold salmon i dono what thing,
1 gyoza
total of 13!! plates. my goodness. i hope that is all ar. sighhh.. so much seh. not to mention the peach mochi desserts. hehehe.. so yummy! i love sakae sushi!! but i got some comments ar. like.. the udon chawanmushi was way nicer than unagi ar:( i loved the udon one seh.. so sad no more alr. awww... but anyway after eating the whole lot and krys and syaz were begging me to stop. in their hearts they were. hehe.. so i stopped and boy! my tummy was so firm. its like i had a 5hr workout on my abs. hahahha.. den i went. ohya krys bought this super awesome pair of shoes!! so pretty!! i like ar. but i wont wear so hahaha.. i think i will get a dress from zara though. if i can fit ar. so cute!! hehehe.. one day ar. one day i buy.when my tummy less bulky. okay den lots to do. till next time!
posted by SpoinkAgeat
blogging in class!!

right now daddy is at gym working out to be fit. me, i'm in class blogging. my first time doing so. friends not in class.. they buying drinks at cheers. probably went off to eat ice creams at mac? haha.. so hmmm.. i've been working for the past three days. work is pretty not bad you know. especially when i'm doing cashiering and i got off with alot of shit since i'm new. Jason is sitting opposite me and eating. rice. mixed rice. my tummy feeling very bloated and airy. wonder if its from ytd's garlic rice that ig ot for free because i did a wrong order. my teacher is here. i dont wanna have lesson now. friends still not back and i'm dying of boredom. got ten minutes break before lesson start. i think i've earned about $300 for this month's pay. yay:) ermmm.. my hair very messy. i think i'm oso gonna start an exercise routine. of swimming since i hate to run. running and i'll give up so swimming is better(: ehhh.. daddy dont be sad okay? there was a couple that only met once a month coz they studied different schools and now they are married. we dont need to meet everyday for our relationship to work ar. hey its yongjie! he came online. hahaha.. that weirdo! hehehehe.. rmb the laugh we did? that very fake laugh that we planned to do to yj when he says a lame joke? hehe.. okay i better stop. byebye!
posted by SpoinkAgeat
blogging in class!!

right now daddy is at gym working out to be fit. me, i'm in class blogging. my first time doing so. friends not in class.. they buying drinks at cheers. probably went off to eat ice creams at mac? haha.. so hmmm.. i've been working for the past three days. work is pretty not bad you know. especially when i'm doing cashiering and i got off with alot of shit since i'm new. Jason is sitting opposite me and eating. rice. mixed rice. my tummy feeling very bloated and airy. wonder if its from ytd's garlic rice that ig ot for free because i did a wrong order. my teacher is here. i dont wanna have lesson now. friends still not back and i'm dying of boredom. got ten minutes break before lesson start. i think i've earned about $300 for this month's pay. yay:) ermmm.. my hair very messy. i think i'm oso gonna start an exercise routine. of swimming since i hate to run. running and i'll give up so swimming is better(: ehhh.. daddy dont be sad okay? there was a couple that only met once a month coz they studied different schools and now they are married. we dont need to meet everyday for our relationship to work ar. hey its yongjie! he came online. hahaha.. that weirdo! hehehehe.. rmb the laugh we did? that very fake laugh that we planned to do to yj when he says a lame joke? hehe.. okay i better stop. byebye!
posted by SpoinkAgeat
blogging in class!!

right now daddy is at gym working out to be fit. me, i'm in class blogging. my first time doing so. friends not in class.. they buying drinks at cheers. probably went off to eat ice creams at mac? haha.. so hmmm.. i've been working for the past three days. work is pretty not bad you know. especially when i'm doing cashiering and i got off with alot of shit since i'm new. Jason is sitting opposite me and eating. rice. mixed rice. my tummy feeling very bloated and airy. wonder if its from ytd's garlic rice that ig ot for free because i did a wrong order. my teacher is here. i dont wanna have lesson now. friends still not back and i'm dying of boredom. got ten minutes break before lesson start. i think i've earned about $300 for this month's pay. yay:) ermmm.. my hair very messy. i think i'm oso gonna start an exercise routine. of swimming since i hate to run. running and i'll give up so swimming is better(: ehhh.. daddy dont be sad okay? there was a couple that only met once a month coz they studied different schools and now they are married. we dont need to meet everyday for our relationship to work ar. hey its yongjie! he came online. hahaha.. that weirdo! hehehehe.. rmb the laugh we did? that very fake laugh that we planned to do to yj when he says a lame joke? hehe.. okay i better stop. byebye!
posted by SpoinkAgeat
what a day.

today was quite an awful day. my class had to do a speech and my two friends before me talked about the topic i wanna say so its like very boring for me to do the same thing so i changed to a topic which i felt really strongly about and who knew i would actually tear. it was like so fake coz i recovered really quick. but i didnt mean to tear in the first place. i think my friends were all shocked. yea. so embarrassing. den i met chu after school and she was complaining about her life. sleeping in class and her mean teacher and snooty friends. we talked so much i forgot to give her the souvenior i got for her so yea. and well i'm supposed to study now for my ica tmr BUT i just ant get myself to. so distracted. today my bubble tea AND sakae sushi asked me to go work. it made me feel really stressed out as my time is stretched over SO MANY THINGS!! i got homework, projects, work, family and boyfriend. so i read your blog saying you wanna concentrate on your studies. den i guess i dont have to feel guilty if i dont spend alot of my time on you? yea. that makes me worry alot less. i really love to spend my time with you but you have your budget and i really feel bad that i make you spend alot. i mean how cheap can a date be right? so i'm sorry. we're like too busy for each other. with the mismatching timetable, me with my stupid job, us doing our homework when we're online, soon we'll be having projects and totally no time to talk anymore.. especially when our parents eye so closely on us. cant chat at home. cant go out late. and stuff and stuff. life's shit. i miss korea. where i didnt have to think so much. no stressing over so much shit. i didnt even have time to tell you what happend to me today and you went offline alr. tmr you wont have time for me too. den comes saturday to monday where i wont have time for you. den its back to school and homework and being too busy again. so what happened today you'll never know. and i'll forget to tell you. eeew i have smelly phlegm. and my nose are blocked which leads to my ears being blocked too. i missed the old times. of us together. when money wasnt so tight for you. and life isnt a bitch to me that i become a bitch to you. when we were more innocent and just holding hands could satisfy our cravings. but most of all i miss you being in my life everyday.
posted by SpoinkAgeat
hello there! that girl there is natasha the 1st coz i created it faster.
our baby. hahaha.. so cute leh!! i really want a daughter like that! hehehe^-^
there is alot i wanna say but right now i'm completely blank. so hear i am listening to the story of the 47ronins. i love japaese stories!! especially on samurais! hehe.. today we went esplanade and watched Duplex. nice show ar. always makes me laugh:) denden we took some photos by the river side? haha.. quite nice de scenery. if only it has lesser ppl. anyway currently i have bright pink nails and watching my fingers moving on the keyboard is making me pretty dizzy. however i cant do without looking. hehehe.. so i came back from korea on the 11 and now 11 days later i miss korea ALOT!! like the whole place is so interesting! the shopps are so cute and de roads are so cute and the ppl are so cute but rude though. and they got no milk tea. but they place is so pretty, i wanna spend my days there climbing moutains. sitting by the sea. enjoying the cool breeze. not going to school. ahahaha.. or attending their school where the uniforms are so pretty too. alot of things to do and time is not stretchable so i'm gonna end off here
posted by SpoinkAgeat
sweet in love

to my sweet little hubby who made me fall so deeply, madly in love.
you have made my life so wonderful, so meaningful.
when i feel troubled, you give me advices and help me through.
when i feel cry, you tear with me and help me clear my nose.
when i am angry, you act cute and make me laugh.
when i am happy, you make me happier.
all in all you've made my life worth living.
i'm not afraid to be alone for i know that you're out there thinking of me. and when you're feeling alone, know that i'm thinking of you too. i love you not for gifts or looks but for the way you make me feel like i'm the most loved in the world. thank you for being so considerate hubby^-^ and dont worry about me when i'm in korea. i promise that i'll be back in your arms, safe and aound. and soon we'll be meeting everyday, and spending our everyday together.
i love you azlan.
posted by SpoinkAgeat
going korea

hehe.. nice picture.
i'm going korea already tomorrow. very worried about school stuff.. havent get timetable or paid fees and stuff so very worried. worse is i wont be around should something happen.. :( nownow.. i dont really know what to say.. hmmm.. feeling sleepy.
in 1month and 17days, me and bob would have been together for a year le! wooo! hehe.. yesterday we were talking aand i wonder what makes people like me. i would say most people are superficial and like people for looks. (not saying you bby) i think me and xueyang would be good friends. coz he once asked if i ever have a good guy friend that stops talking to me when he found out that i'm attached. it made me realise that my world revolves around a really small group of people only. i dont contact any guys besides bby. and girls are only like chujun, liqun and bobs. but rarely. xy said he had a good girl friend that used to call him every morning to check if he is awake and stuff. but when she found out he was attached she stopped talking to him. i guess he'll be a nice and sincere friend.
no wonder ytd bby ask me what i'm gonna wear to visit your family. hehe.. you were wondering about mine. ehhh you can get flowers for my ma, she loves them. fragrant ones. den for my dad you can get those herbal wine tonic things maybe? hahaha.. my dad likes handicrafts. my sis ar.. i not sure what she likes. but you must get me something too hor! and you must choose everything yourself. hehe!! yay! so exciting leh! as for me, i'll wear something simple but pretty too. i think a long skirt would be nice right? but i dont know what shirt leh:( maybe i'll tie my hair too. hmmm.. dont paint nails. i dont wanna dye my hair hor. black is pretty and elegant. hehe.. i'll bring a pretty necklace for your ma? what about your dad? must i get for your bros too? some branded stuff for no.2 and maybe no.1 alr has kids so i get something for the kid? haha..
AHHHH!! i'm so excited. wahahaha.. i must learn malay ar.. your family converse in malay de. at least mine speaks english lor. sighh.. i should get your dad a leg massage thing. haha..
so today me and bby went to eat sakae. a very unplanned date coz my ma happened to be watching movie with her friends! so i ran off to meet hubby^-^ hehe.. we missed de buffet time so sadly we had to eat ala carte. and we planned that on the first day of school we will go have the buffet^-^ hehe.. i pray to God that i'll be home safely. and hopefully i have enough money to buy presents for everyone! i'll be meeting qun when i come back too:) long time no see qunqun le.. you know i bring all long sleeves shirt leh! den jeans and stuff. so bulky:( but oh well. no choice coz i scared cold. de temperature is like 20 - 17? degrees. i confirm cold one. hehehe.. shall take many pictures! i bringing my phone with my sim card leh! so i can sparingly message but den my parents will know. so i must see how okay? love you hubby^-^
posted by SpoinkAgeat