what a day.

today was quite an awful day. my class had to do a speech and my two friends before me talked about the topic i wanna say so its like very boring for me to do the same thing so i changed to a topic which i felt really strongly about and who knew i would actually tear. it was like so fake coz i recovered really quick. but i didnt mean to tear in the first place. i think my friends were all shocked. yea. so embarrassing. den i met chu after school and she was complaining about her life. sleeping in class and her mean teacher and snooty friends. we talked so much i forgot to give her the souvenior i got for her so yea. and well i'm supposed to study now for my ica tmr BUT i just ant get myself to. so distracted. today my bubble tea AND sakae sushi asked me to go work. it made me feel really stressed out as my time is stretched over SO MANY THINGS!! i got homework, projects, work, family and boyfriend. so i read your blog saying you wanna concentrate on your studies. den i guess i dont have to feel guilty if i dont spend alot of my time on you? yea. that makes me worry alot less. i really love to spend my time with you but you have your budget and i really feel bad that i make you spend alot. i mean how cheap can a date be right? so i'm sorry. we're like too busy for each other. with the mismatching timetable, me with my stupid job, us doing our homework when we're online, soon we'll be having projects and totally no time to talk anymore.. especially when our parents eye so closely on us. cant chat at home. cant go out late. and stuff and stuff. life's shit. i miss korea. where i didnt have to think so much. no stressing over so much shit. i didnt even have time to tell you what happend to me today and you went offline alr. tmr you wont have time for me too. den comes saturday to monday where i wont have time for you. den its back to school and homework and being too busy again. so what happened today you'll never know. and i'll forget to tell you. eeew i have smelly phlegm. and my nose are blocked which leads to my ears being blocked too. i missed the old times. of us together. when money wasnt so tight for you. and life isnt a bitch to me that i become a bitch to you. when we were more innocent and just holding hands could satisfy our cravings. but most of all i miss you being in my life everyday.
posted by SpoinkAgeat