blogging in class!!

right now daddy is at gym working out to be fit. me, i'm in class blogging. my first time doing so. friends not in class.. they buying drinks at cheers. probably went off to eat ice creams at mac? haha.. so hmmm.. i've been working for the past three days. work is pretty not bad you know. especially when i'm doing cashiering and i got off with alot of shit since i'm new. Jason is sitting opposite me and eating. rice. mixed rice. my tummy feeling very bloated and airy. wonder if its from ytd's garlic rice that ig ot for free because i did a wrong order. my teacher is here. i dont wanna have lesson now. friends still not back and i'm dying of boredom. got ten minutes break before lesson start. i think i've earned about $300 for this month's pay. yay:) ermmm.. my hair very messy. i think i'm oso gonna start an exercise routine. of swimming since i hate to run. running and i'll give up so swimming is better(: ehhh.. daddy dont be sad okay? there was a couple that only met once a month coz they studied different schools and now they are married. we dont need to meet everyday for our relationship to work ar. hey its yongjie! he came online. hahaha.. that weirdo! hehehehe.. rmb the laugh we did? that very fake laugh that we planned to do to yj when he says a lame joke? hehe.. okay i better stop. byebye!
posted by SpoinkAgeat