
today, i went swimming!!
at the jurong swimming complex, the big one.
got slide, wave pool *waves*, lazy pool. and stuff and stuff for only $0.80!! great deal! hehe.. so yeaps. an afternoon in the pool.
den went jurong point watch shopaholic, ate korean style spicy ramen. woo~ hot. so yeaps. pretty nice day:)
i saw this and i cant resist! loves to do quizes and surveys:)
anybody who cares for my opinion deserves to get something.
Available: ermm..
Age: eighteen
Animal: cheetah
Beer: ohh..mug's root beer. definitely.
Birthday: january. remember the presents:)
Body Part on opposite sex: de part below the belly button and above the crotch:)
Best feeling in the world: enjoying chocolate drinks. yummy~
Blind or Deaf: deaf
Best weather: anything is fine:)
Been in Love: most probably
Been on stage: a few times
Believe in Magic: caterpillar to butterfly is magic!
Believe in Santa: nah. i knew who my presents were from
Candy: lollipops
Colour: brown
Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate! duh?
Chinese/Mexican Food: Chinese safer
Cake or pie: cake
Continent/Country to visit: japan. is that even a question? haha
Day or Night: night
Dancing in the rain: maybe?
Do the splits: ouch! but i split my pants a few times though.
Eggs: my favourite! first thing i leart to cook:)
Eyes: perfect eyesight!!
First thoughts waking up: my phone got msg?
Greatest Fear: dying from physical injuries. urgh!! (cuts,blood)
Goals: my very own cafe:)
Get along with your parents: pretty much? i dont argue with them:)
Hair Color: i'm thankful to have hair:) colour dont matter.
Ice Cream: on waffles with maple syrup and sliced peaches!
Job: sakae sushi's cashier. :(
Kids: cute, innocent, BRATTY!
Keep a journal: never could. too lazy
Longest car ride: not sure..
Love at first sight: believable.
Laughed so hard you cried: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA *sobs*
Milk flavor: tea
Movies: not quite a big fan of movies.
Motion sickness: doubt so.
McD’s or BK: kfc, subway, mosburger, ljs all better.
Number of siblings: big sis
Overused phrases: ohshit!
One Phobia: de pain phobia. (cuts, stabs, blood)
Place you'd like to live: some countryside of Japan or Korea
Pepsi/Coke: neither. gassy drinks:(
Perfect Pizza: cheese, spicy chicken, spicy chicken, mushrooms, ham.
Piercings: URGH!!! but i have one on each side of the ear.
Quail: huh??
Reason to cry: when my favourite cartoon character dies.
Reality T.V.: not a fan of tv.
Radio Station: not a fan of radio.
Roll your tongue in a circle: *rolls*
Ring size: dono leh.. hope my knuckles dont expand:(
Song: JROCK~
Shoe size: 6? 37?
Salad Dressing: salad? i'll pass. oh bacon bits!!
Sushi: tamago, E.mayo, SSC, Sal.....
Skipped School: *coughscoughs* i'm a good student ar.
Slept outside: noo! my pillow:(
Sing In the shower: oops! embarrasing.
Strawberries/Blueberries: STRAWBERRIES:) lollipop, ice cream..
Tattoos: PAIN!
Time for bed: not too late.
Thunderstorms: wooo~!
Touch your tongue to your nose: cant. really.
Unpredictable: my appetite.
Vacation Spot: japan. when will i ever go?
Which one of your friends acts the most like you: hmmm..
Who makes you laugh the most: eiichiro oda(author of OnePiece)
Worst feeling: being sick!
Wanted to be a model: why not? easy money.
Worst Weather: de supersuper hot till can cause drought kind:(
X-Rays: pretty cool!
Year it is now: 2009
Yellow: my pants is yellow! skin oso. i dont like:(
Zoo animal: rawr! tigers!
Zodiac Sign: goat/horse?
posted by SpoinkAgeat
chocolate milkshake^3^

oh my hot chocolate!! easily my favourite drink:) next best is milk tea. addiction can be a realy problem. hmmmm~ have been controlling myself not to get de chocolate blended from starbucks outside thomson plaza. not that hard to stop myselg since i dont have enough money. drats! but i will get it soon!! i dont care!! sobs:(
maybe thats why i'm attracted to darker skinned guys. hahaha.. my chocolate milkshake:) 甘い恋人!
has anyone ever wondered what monks do? one night as i was heading home from work, my bus passed by a temple. it was already 11pm+ and de monks were still chanting! if only attachment meant i can go work anywhere i want ar.. den i wanna be attached to a temple for like one week. den farm de next. bus driver too! but i must get my license first. den i oso wanna be a security guard. and a babysitter. and a dogsitter. done:) so fun sia! i really wonder what monks do leh.. sweep de leaves on the temple's lawn? den come de bubble tea shop at bishan to buy cheap soyamilk. hahaha.. they always come buy de. early know shop have asked them to accept me as a disciple. maybe i can learn some kungfu! like the people in the book i'm reading. so cool sia can shoot chess pieces as ermm i dono what you call them. shootshoot den people pain! wahaha. den can shoot my teachers:) when people eating den shoot their spoon den their food fly! yes!! sigh.. if only i were born 2thousand years ago, den maybe i'll be able to learn some kungfu.or maybe at that time still got vampires den i can be a vampire! yay!! but dowan zombie. zombie so disgusting! oops! i derailed.
anyway! hopefully i'll be able to pick up some cooking skills from work! den open my own cafe. that would be sweet~ my cafe must have drinks like tea and hot chocolate. got nice cozy and clean and comfy sofas for people to relax and read a book. i'll provide books for them to rent and read:)mangas and chinese martial arts novels and some english stuff. maybe some language learning books for ppl who wanna learn! den i'll make makimonos den really small bitesized ones so people wont make a mess.and little puffs and de eggy tasting japanese sponge cake that i like. that would be nice! and pasta! yay!! saying all these makes me happy:) oh and i cant forgot my cookies!! brownies! i dont want nuts coz i dont like so everyone can eat my food:)
one day my aspiration will come true! aspirations=will come true. dreams=fat hope. hahahaha.. alright till next time!
posted by SpoinkAgeat
damn results

results results!! omg. haha..
somehow it takes so damn long to load:(
bad omen i tell you! bad omen!! sobs..
anyway, last saturday when i was going home from work,
i met two crazy people!! *clapsclaps*
the first was a china lady:
i was walking out from thomson plaza with sheryll and amos when the lady came up to me and asked 'how did you come out?' her right fist was wrapped in plastic bag and she swung her fist at me. i managed to dodge and so she asked again 'how did you come out?' den she went on to explain the she cant get in from the main entrance and that she almost crashed into the door. so i turn back and pointed to where i came out from and when i turn back, she punched me in the face. just lightly. but its crazy right? and she smiled and said thanks and left. weird..
den after that, i got on the bus, and after several stops, a man boards de bus. he went all the way to the back to sit, and started yelling 'WHY IS THE TV PROGRAMME SO STUPID!! AND I CANT EVEN CHANGE THE CHANNEL!! THATS WHY I SAY THIS IS A STUPID PLACE!!' with that he quietly continued to watch the tvmobile. weird..
alright!! results are out:)
damn.. no As again. GPA 3.25 again. this sucks :(
dont really feel like talking anymore.
ohright! ytd i watch DMC's anime. hilarious!
well thats all for now
posted by SpoinkAgeat
laugh till you piss your pants.

awesome song i found! check this out!
haha.. anyone who has not watched smosh is like missing out a HUGE part of their life!! easy step is definitely de funniest to start with. den de rest are pretty sweet too:)
cant wait for results!! hope i'll get jap for elective.. *prays* well den i'm bored so bye. yeaps just a random update. ttfn!
btw just go check out russel peters too if you have not already checked him out.
posted by SpoinkAgeat
whats been up.

someone has been pestering me about blogging so i shall:) anyway its so ugly to leave it at the stupid stats homework page. haha.. well exams are over so i'm pretty much free to do what i wanna as long as ma dont grouch. i wanted to EXERCISE!! but yea. haha..
soso.. oh velntines i gave bob twilight and he bought the rest of the series himself. hehheh. i got slippers which are awesomely cute:) cheap but cute. hahhahaa. sorry bob!
sososo.. about work. alvin and xueyang are like gonna go off for a long period of time!! my superhero friends!! so not fair:( but anyway i learnt how to cook garlic rice on the teppan plate!! aint i awesome?? hehe.. so currently there are a few newer members to the team. two amoses, one whom i call zack esp when he reminds me of the finalfantasyVII's zack. den got my cousin and aunty's son bernard. and de crazy Jhames which bob and i are fond of:) coz he is SO FAKE! hahahaha.. and his faces are hilarious:) love my managers are. both Jhames and Sheryll. they should get drunk and get married. cant wait to see thier kids. hahahaha.. and since they are like so crazy, they are organising a BBQ!! funness!! work has been pretty fun since business is bad and de cd player is spoilt so we get to play our own music! hence lots of bad singing:) enjoicing!!however the 2hrs break on weekdays will really eat into my salary:( shall just grab something cheap and read at work. but so far everything has been pretty tolerable:)
next big thing is krys's bday-picnic party!shall get her bikinis for being so boobsy. hehheh.. sadly syaz aint coming which means less fun but still i am funness!! woo~ monday is shopping day! shall not try out since bob is not around:( sighh.. hahaha..
dendenden i gotta organise a gathering for those jc kids coz since i am poly de means i free. NOT TRUE!! but since they exams. HEHEHEHHEHEHE.. alala poor jc kids. i shall spare them and just organise.
i feel like getting a license sia. but kinda waste money too since like oso no car. so never mentioned de thought to my family. oh right. mama's bday was today. gave her $100! good daughter:) haha.. went crystal jade to eat though didnt really enjoyed.
bob ar bob.. always not online. so early sleep. sighh.. so boring. long time no see you online le wor bob:( but nevermind. coz den i can read my mangas in peace:) woohoo!! shall stop here le ba.
posted by SpoinkAgeat