
today, i went swimming!!
at the jurong swimming complex, the big one.
got slide, wave pool *waves*, lazy pool. and stuff and stuff for only $0.80!! great deal! hehe.. so yeaps. an afternoon in the pool.
den went jurong point watch shopaholic, ate korean style spicy ramen. woo~ hot. so yeaps. pretty nice day:)
i saw this and i cant resist! loves to do quizes and surveys:)
anybody who cares for my opinion deserves to get something.
Available: ermm..
Age: eighteen
Animal: cheetah
Beer: ohh..mug's root beer. definitely.
Birthday: january. remember the presents:)
Body Part on opposite sex: de part below the belly button and above the crotch:)
Best feeling in the world: enjoying chocolate drinks. yummy~
Blind or Deaf: deaf
Best weather: anything is fine:)
Been in Love: most probably
Been on stage: a few times
Believe in Magic: caterpillar to butterfly is magic!
Believe in Santa: nah. i knew who my presents were from
Candy: lollipops
Colour: brown
Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate! duh?
Chinese/Mexican Food: Chinese safer
Cake or pie: cake
Continent/Country to visit: japan. is that even a question? haha
Day or Night: night
Dancing in the rain: maybe?
Do the splits: ouch! but i split my pants a few times though.
Eggs: my favourite! first thing i leart to cook:)
Eyes: perfect eyesight!!
First thoughts waking up: my phone got msg?
Greatest Fear: dying from physical injuries. urgh!! (cuts,blood)
Goals: my very own cafe:)
Get along with your parents: pretty much? i dont argue with them:)
Hair Color: i'm thankful to have hair:) colour dont matter.
Ice Cream: on waffles with maple syrup and sliced peaches!
Job: sakae sushi's cashier. :(
Kids: cute, innocent, BRATTY!
Keep a journal: never could. too lazy
Longest car ride: not sure..
Love at first sight: believable.
Laughed so hard you cried: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA *sobs*
Milk flavor: tea
Movies: not quite a big fan of movies.
Motion sickness: doubt so.
McD’s or BK: kfc, subway, mosburger, ljs all better.
Number of siblings: big sis
Overused phrases: ohshit!
One Phobia: de pain phobia. (cuts, stabs, blood)
Place you'd like to live: some countryside of Japan or Korea
Pepsi/Coke: neither. gassy drinks:(
Perfect Pizza: cheese, spicy chicken, spicy chicken, mushrooms, ham.
Piercings: URGH!!! but i have one on each side of the ear.
Quail: huh??
Reason to cry: when my favourite cartoon character dies.
Reality T.V.: not a fan of tv.
Radio Station: not a fan of radio.
Roll your tongue in a circle: *rolls*
Ring size: dono leh.. hope my knuckles dont expand:(
Song: JROCK~
Shoe size: 6? 37?
Salad Dressing: salad? i'll pass. oh bacon bits!!
Sushi: tamago, E.mayo, SSC, Sal.....
Skipped School: *coughscoughs* i'm a good student ar.
Slept outside: noo! my pillow:(
Sing In the shower: oops! embarrasing.
Strawberries/Blueberries: STRAWBERRIES:) lollipop, ice cream..
Tattoos: PAIN!
Time for bed: not too late.
Thunderstorms: wooo~!
Touch your tongue to your nose: cant. really.
Unpredictable: my appetite.
Vacation Spot: japan. when will i ever go?
Which one of your friends acts the most like you: hmmm..
Who makes you laugh the most: eiichiro oda(author of OnePiece)
Worst feeling: being sick!
Wanted to be a model: why not? easy money.
Worst Weather: de supersuper hot till can cause drought kind:(
X-Rays: pretty cool!
Year it is now: 2009
Yellow: my pants is yellow! skin oso. i dont like:(
Zoo animal: rawr! tigers!
Zodiac Sign: goat/horse?
posted by SpoinkAgeat