whats been up.

someone has been pestering me about blogging so i shall:) anyway its so ugly to leave it at the stupid stats homework page. haha.. well exams are over so i'm pretty much free to do what i wanna as long as ma dont grouch. i wanted to EXERCISE!! but yea. haha..
soso.. oh velntines i gave bob twilight and he bought the rest of the series himself. hehheh. i got slippers which are awesomely cute:) cheap but cute. hahhahaa. sorry bob!
sososo.. about work. alvin and xueyang are like gonna go off for a long period of time!! my superhero friends!! so not fair:( but anyway i learnt how to cook garlic rice on the teppan plate!! aint i awesome?? hehe.. so currently there are a few newer members to the team. two amoses, one whom i call zack esp when he reminds me of the finalfantasyVII's zack. den got my cousin and aunty's son bernard. and de crazy Jhames which bob and i are fond of:) coz he is SO FAKE! hahahaha.. and his faces are hilarious:) love my managers are. both Jhames and Sheryll. they should get drunk and get married. cant wait to see thier kids. hahahaha.. and since they are like so crazy, they are organising a BBQ!! funness!! work has been pretty fun since business is bad and de cd player is spoilt so we get to play our own music! hence lots of bad singing:) enjoicing!!however the 2hrs break on weekdays will really eat into my salary:( shall just grab something cheap and read at work. but so far everything has been pretty tolerable:)
next big thing is krys's bday-picnic party!shall get her bikinis for being so boobsy. hehheh.. sadly syaz aint coming which means less fun but still i am funness!! woo~ monday is shopping day! shall not try out since bob is not around:( sighh.. hahaha..
dendenden i gotta organise a gathering for those jc kids coz since i am poly de means i free. NOT TRUE!! but since they exams. HEHEHEHHEHEHE.. alala poor jc kids. i shall spare them and just organise.
i feel like getting a license sia. but kinda waste money too since like oso no car. so never mentioned de thought to my family. oh right. mama's bday was today. gave her $100! good daughter:) haha.. went crystal jade to eat though didnt really enjoyed.
bob ar bob.. always not online. so early sleep. sighh.. so boring. long time no see you online le wor bob:( but nevermind. coz den i can read my mangas in peace:) woohoo!! shall stop here le ba.
posted by SpoinkAgeat