
so here's a picture of my class 4e2.
probably the last i'll take with them. yea..
to think i really looked forward to meeting everyone.
den i realise that not everyone wanna meet me.
silly me.
well anyway i went back to ZHSS. really excited.
i spent like two days thinking what i should wear.
considering the fact that everyone would be in uniform
so i cant go overboard with my dressing and stuff.
finally got dressed and left house.
missed de 162 so i walk reallyreally fast to the 58 stop.
met oliver on the 58! so scared i would be late..
but then when i reach zhss busstop, nobody was there.
so i waited for my friends awhile den decided to go in
find Corine to give her present. den stood around for the next 2hrs?
waiting for my friends to finish talking among themselves.
took some photos. answered some questions like:
what school are you in?
what course are you taking?
azlan not coming?
thanks ppl. i know you all miss me alotalot. yea.
traveled to city hall. de trip was excruciating for me.
everyone was all chattychatty but i wasnt talking.
not even in their circle of friendship.
so yea when we reached cafe cartel for lunch,
yup i was like forgotten and hmmm left out of the table.
but its cool. i got weijian jianzhi and xinling to seat with me.
lunch was okay i guess. den after lunch ppl went to watch movie.
me weijian ling jiahui and mingkiat went to play pool.
yea den i left to meet hubby^-^ and my day brightened up.
guess i learnt my lesson. yupyup i did.
i should just keep to the small circle of friends
that i have that wont leave me in an awkward silence.
but i gotta say that i've made some great friends in my life.
and i love them alot^-^
guess not everyone can be a great friend of mine.
i love you. hehe..
posted by SpoinkAgeat
alone at home

i am alone at home. dad is coming back alr:)
i dont like being alone at home.
my ma and sis went holiday with grandma and pa.
poly exams are kinda hard ar. at least for me.
since i didnt spend much time on studying too.
tsktsk.. too lazy alr me.
anyway.. finding job!! need a job! want a job!
i miss my friends. chu and qun.. and many others..
today was marketing paper. aiya dono what to say ar.
8sept got outing to sentosa! with poly class.
hope i'm free^-^
but paiseh ar.. go there. hahaha..
i oso wont suntan or anything.
gonna end off here and read some manga^-^
ps tmr 9months alr wor!
posted by SpoinkAgeat

hello there. the angel from my nightmare.
that picture above is my class HS0804~!!
cutehorcutehor? can you spot my personal mentor?
long time never blog alr.. dono what to say.
hmmm.. my life has been great. pretty much.
currently looking for a job. exam period now.
and my ma and sis are going overseas without me.
sighh.. haha..
ohya recently i've been doing a bunch of this cubecreatures.
so adorable! i made batman and ironman for bby, gir for syaz and a rabbit for qun.
maybe later i'll be having supper with chujun^-^
i fat liao.. banyat babat.. T_T ARGHH!!
watched money no enough 2 today.
dont usually support local films but it was touching?
cried 3 times. ahahaha.. den bbybby had to wipe my tears. hehe..
bbybby ar i miss you alr. haha.. so mushy~
like mash potato and bacon and ham and eggs and spinach.
posted by SpoinkAgeat