
hello there. the angel from my nightmare.
that picture above is my class HS0804~!!
cutehorcutehor? can you spot my personal mentor?
long time never blog alr.. dono what to say.
hmmm.. my life has been great. pretty much.
currently looking for a job. exam period now.
and my ma and sis are going overseas without me.
sighh.. haha..
ohya recently i've been doing a bunch of this cubecreatures.
so adorable! i made batman and ironman for bby, gir for syaz and a rabbit for qun.
maybe later i'll be having supper with chujun^-^
i fat liao.. banyat babat.. T_T ARGHH!!
watched money no enough 2 today.
dont usually support local films but it was touching?
cried 3 times. ahahaha.. den bbybby had to wipe my tears. hehe..
bbybby ar i miss you alr. haha.. so mushy~
like mash potato and bacon and ham and eggs and spinach.
posted by SpoinkAgeat