alone at home

i am alone at home. dad is coming back alr:)
i dont like being alone at home.
my ma and sis went holiday with grandma and pa.
poly exams are kinda hard ar. at least for me.
since i didnt spend much time on studying too.
tsktsk.. too lazy alr me.
anyway.. finding job!! need a job! want a job!
i miss my friends. chu and qun.. and many others..
today was marketing paper. aiya dono what to say ar.
8sept got outing to sentosa! with poly class.
hope i'm free^-^
but paiseh ar.. go there. hahaha..
i oso wont suntan or anything.
gonna end off here and read some manga^-^
ps tmr 9months alr wor!
posted by SpoinkAgeat