just watched ONEPIECE! cant wait for ep288!!! zoro is THE FUNNIEST GUY ever! he is so damn serious but ends up sounding dumb... i love it when he called sanji 'mosquito incense' den he says stupid stuff like 'don die on me or i'll kill you' and his 'CALL OF BRAVERY' ^o^
he has NO sense of direction. he even gets lost when people are guiding him. and blames people for getting lost... like when de SOUTHBIRD *which only faces south* follows him around, he was like 'where are you looking at? stupid bird.'
when he made de train fly mid-air he acts all brave and smart saying 'trust it all to...' and everyone was like 'YEAH! ZORO!' and he says 'luck...'
den when he saw kaku transforn into a man-beast he said 'that's retarded!' den he was like 'how could i've let a stupid line like that slip... crap! i got distracted too easily'
i think de funniest was when they first entered de GrandLine everyone was running around trying to kep de ship afloat and he slept through de sun, snow, thunderstorm and all de commotion! den he FINALLY yawns 'that was a good nap!' and saw everyone resting and says 'why are you all resting? i know its a great day but we must be on de alert... are you sure we are in de right direction?'
everything about him is just so funny!!! sigh... i'm in love with a idiot!
yawnz... after sleeping for 1.5 days, i feel so much better.
thursday, 23Nov'06 esplanade yee en, kai jie, pu yuan, hin wai and ME! went to watch A Hero's Life. gosh... the place was so damn quiet it made my ears bleed. and that kai jie fell asleep!!! so damn irriating!!! hahaha... the people were PROS!!! so damn amazing their skills!!! during de 2nd half, we saw Ma Laoshi!!! heehee... ^o^ it was a pretty nice performance but everyone was feeling preety tired coz we practiced from 8am...
friday, 24Nov'06 ZHSS HALL the day of our Music & Movement! we practiced until everyone's hands were aching... my thumbs were practically gonna fall off... T.T but de hard work was worth it?! ZHCO did a pretty good job... but de cello solo part was... average??!!! hopefully?! so scary to be de only instrument playing... phew... but its over till next year's SYF. de day ended in a damn fun way! hahaha... de band was playing YMCA and i was like dancing like crazy!!! doing de Y M C A thing... den my friend joined me... everyone was laughing and having a great time. den de band did de last song... i think its called SWAY? and everyone was clapping and grooving to de music... CO de mar... cant help moving to the beat. even de teachers were cool wif our dancing. hahaha... shiba!!! too bad you couldnt join me!!! T.T
anyway i'm off for more ONEPIECE action!!! its been a long time since i touched de comp le!
from left: usopp, robin, chopper,sanji, nami, zoro, luffy
ahh...... i'm in love... with ONE PIECE!!!
i feel so stupid when i watch ONE PIECE and start crying... it is only an anime but den i'm so caught up by it!!! even right now i'm listening to ONE PIECE songs... i'm so obsessed with ONE PIECE!!! i'm so hopeless... T.T so far i've cried during the part about Sanjileaving the Baratie Chopper and Dr. Hiruruku story and recently i've cried during the part where Going Merry cant be repaired and Usopp fought Luffy for it and when Luffy said 'It's heavy' OMG! i cant stop crying lor... Zoro is just so cool!!! he was all calm and cool and said 'It's a Captain's burden...' seriously, i've cried more than just these...
anyway this will be a busy week for me. my school will be having a performance and i must perform... so i've got rehearsals and lots of practice... P.S. sorry JX, cant meet you so soon... T.T
in conclusion, i've gotta admit ONE PIECE ROCKS!!! ONE PIECE makes me laugh, cry and fall in love! besides there are some really hot guys & gals that makes ONE PIECEworth watching. i'm off to watch ONE PIECE!!! hahaha... ^0^