Sunday, November 26, 2006


after sleeping for 1.5 days, i feel so much better.

thursday, 23Nov'06
yee en, kai jie, pu yuan, hin wai and ME!
went to watch A Hero's Life.
gosh... the place was so damn quiet it made my ears bleed.
and that kai jie fell asleep!!! so damn irriating!!!
hahaha... the people were PROS!!!
so damn amazing their skills!!!
during de 2nd half, we saw Ma Laoshi!!!
heehee... ^o^
it was a pretty nice performance but
everyone was feeling preety tired
coz we practiced from 8am...

friday, 24Nov'06
the day of our Music & Movement!
we practiced until everyone's hands were aching...
my thumbs were practically gonna fall off... T.T
but de hard work was worth it?!
ZHCO did a pretty good job...
but de cello solo part was...
average??!!! hopefully?!
so scary to be de only instrument playing...
phew... but its over till next year's SYF.
de day ended in a damn fun way! hahaha...
de band was playing YMCA and i was like
dancing like crazy!!!
doing de Y M C A thing...
den my friend joined me...
everyone was laughing and having a great time.
den de band did de last song...
i think its called SWAY?
and everyone was clapping and grooving to de music...
CO de mar... cant help moving to the beat.
even de teachers were cool wif our dancing.
shiba!!! too bad you couldnt join me!!! T.T

anyway i'm off for more ONEPIECE action!!!
its been a long time since i touched de comp le!


posted by SpoinkAgeat