just watched ONEPIECE! cant wait for ep288!!! zoro is THE FUNNIEST GUY ever! he is so damn serious but ends up sounding dumb... i love it when he called sanji 'mosquito incense' den he says stupid stuff like 'don die on me or i'll kill you' and his 'CALL OF BRAVERY' ^o^
he has NO sense of direction. he even gets lost when people are guiding him. and blames people for getting lost... like when de SOUTHBIRD *which only faces south* follows him around, he was like 'where are you looking at? stupid bird.'
when he made de train fly mid-air he acts all brave and smart saying 'trust it all to...' and everyone was like 'YEAH! ZORO!' and he says 'luck...'
den when he saw kaku transforn into a man-beast he said 'that's retarded!' den he was like 'how could i've let a stupid line like that slip... crap! i got distracted too easily'
i think de funniest was when they first entered de GrandLine everyone was running around trying to kep de ship afloat and he slept through de sun, snow, thunderstorm and all de commotion! den he FINALLY yawns 'that was a good nap!' and saw everyone resting and says 'why are you all resting? i know its a great day but we must be on de alert... are you sure we are in de right direction?'
everything about him is just so funny!!! sigh... i'm in love with a idiot!