a series of unfortunate events.

This cake was eaten during my grandma's bday.
okay de series starts now.
During work, i fell. It was the end of the day and the kitchen crew were washing the kitchen so the floors were wet. I was clearing the plates so i had to enter and when i came out i slipped and fell. my knee cap was dislocated and i pushed it back. it wasnt that pain coz i was still in shock from the fall but after that i could barely walk nor stand. den coz i was resting den that stupid Fam oso come sit with me. den she say i tired ar? den i told her i leg pain den she started rattling on and on about how she worked long hours than me and her leg was oso aching. i told her that i fell just now but she didnt listen coz she was too engrossed with herself. so i just ignored her. my manager allowed me to leave early so i got dad to fetch me. it was so bad that i can barely stand straight. my dad asked if i wanted to visit those senseis to massage my knee but i didnt want coz m muscle were feeling very tight and i thought if i went to massage it would only make things worse.
presentation today. i ate a muscle relaxer medicine coz my muscles were still very tight and i cant walk properly. usually after a night my knee would have recovered but not this time.. limped to school and after school i went home to eat and went to see a doctor. the doctor couldnt do much so i was referred to A&E at tan tock seng. arrived there at about 8.30pm. i was greeted with a wheelchair:) my best companion! hehe.. loved it so much ar.. rolling and rolling around. haha.. so i took my blood pressure and some xrays and waited a longlong time coz my doctor had to attend to some emergency. den she came back only to have me come back for an appointment with a bone specialist on 2nd Jan. den an NYP trainee male nurse bandaged my leg and another male nurse taught me how to use crutches which i bought coz the doctor didnt want me to strain my knee. but i still cant really use it. ohwell.. anyway tmr i have an appointment with a bone specialist to check my condition. my ma decided for me to go private since 2nd Jan is so long!! but now i am quite afraid of the pain to come ar.. pray for me okay?
things i wanna do after i recovered:
meet daddy.. (hopefully before you go holiday)
wanna buy tank tops for work, white pretty dress:) shoes for CNY?
anyway i just wanna pamper myself like hell ar. hehehe!
hopefully my ma will allow me to go my class bbq christmas celebration and meet my frinds on friday. HOPE SO!! ahhhh~ oh damn and i need to get a gift for de bbq party.. maybe next tuesday i will be allowed to go shopping? doubt so:(
anyway i miss bbybby alot ar.. probably i'm not working for the whole of this holiday le. but can oso ar. haha.. i want to do so many things sia.. but most is to date him ar.. havent been seeing him for a long long time. eeeeeee:( well till next time..
posted by SpoinkAgeat