a little motivation

hey there sexy beast! zoro i mean. hehe!!
so today i got two tests. statistics and afa. i got full marks for stats. guess it really motivates me. you know? like i'm managing my life pretty well. BUT the stats test was MCQ so nothing really to be proud of. got lots of stuff coming up. InDo project, afa show& tell, POM and Econs tests, and Oral ica. WOW!! busybusybusy.. my cousin joining me for work at sakae.. dono if she'll get the job though. den maybe she coming to NYP and my course too.. my chance to get to know my relatives a little better. ohyea amanda got 234 and my other cousin denise has 180+ i think. cant rmb le. listening to brit. BUYING HER CD!! totally supportive towards her ar. haha.. hmmm the upcoming tests are a little worrying. POM is dry and dont click with my brain. its a problem. den web is tedious.. careless me dont bother to check den confirm alot of probs too. and oral. not hard but quite sucky my teacher. dont think she grades fairly. she has selective hearing and when it involves our ORAL, her slective listening is really impt to us.. yea. hmmm.. saturday i met up with my obs friends. surprisingly we talked really easily.. more than i spoke to my sec school friends i think. hahahahaha.. even though we didnt meet for more than 2yrs, we're still good. how nice:) oh right. so like this whole motivational thing was actually to tell myself to start adding another section into my life. 've been juggling work, family, friends, school work, not to mention daddy [though abit negletted recently. hehe! sorry): ] and now sports or dance or some physical activity la.. me getting fat since school started. yea. daddy has been controlling his diet and i should follow too. especially when my ma is diet conscious too. yeap. try baby! haha.. oh yesyes krys pierced her ear!! i shant spoil my face.. though i really am tempted to pierce my eyebrow. its so sexy to me. so bad and raw and sexy. BUT if i did i'll persuade my family to let me instead of doing it behind their back. coz if anything happen they wont be so harsh on me. hehe.. parental consent is really impt to me i guess. ohwell..
i realise everyone has their problems.. it may be trival to some but catastrophic to others. i guess its how people place their priorities. i cant really tell what is mine now. everything is so impt to me. love, family, friends, money (as in school fees).. am i arraging them according to importance?? hehehehe.. maybe ar. i wanna grow up a bit sooner.. haha.. but i think i'll be a really stressed person. i'm someone who wont let my responsibilities rest and when i start working and be a mum, i'll be hit with alot of responsibilities.. mmm~ papi! hehe.. okay i really should end off!! damn i am drifting off. hehehe!! till next time!
posted by SpoinkAgeat