feelin' rich!

got my first pay yesterday!!^-^ which is $350.50!! woots!! hehe..
gave 100 each to my parents and 50 to my sis..
so i'm left with 100..
gonna buy a dress? a (diy?) pencil box and my ma's present..
wa! den my next pay i'm gonna get Gazette's stuff!
suddenly rmb can buy their stuff. hehehe.. *excited*
and gonna get a red psp maybe? if its nice^-^
gotta say my work aint too bad.
weekends are quite nice coz not so much rowdy kids.
den de customers are overall friendly^-^
ohyea my leg is feeling much better alr! can walk le.
hahaha.. a bit swollen but its okay..
went out wif ling, jiahui and mama.
they say i make de mango milk tea not nice.. T_T
but i only learnt the day before so i dint get much practice.
so nevermind.. i'll continue to improve myself. haha..
they made JC sound interesting leh..
wif all the AngelMortal thing and roses exchange..
so fun la!! cant wait for poly to start. haha..
dono if i should continue to work leh..
ohyea. that time de aunties made a big fuss
of me going poly when they found out that
i scored 11 and got an A1 for english..
hahaha.. those aunties talk very loud..
that time i shhh! one of them leh..
den i felt guilty.. sighh.. coz i taking orders ma..
den she yellyellyell.. den i cant hear..
Gazette!! ガゼット!! listening to them now!! ^-^
i shall order their concert the next time i get paid.
hehehe.. ahhh.. now i so excited le!!
ohya!! did anyone know that there is a durian bubble tea?!
eew!! hahahahaha.. i thought the customer joking la..
den i still laugh.. i always laugh at customers.. oops! ^-^
but everyone's been nice la. so nevermind! hehheh..
hmmhmm.. cant wait to know which school i going..
till then,
posted by SpoinkAgeat