i'm scared..

hmm.. school is gonna reopen..
and this will be de last semester
of mine in ZHSS 4e2 T.T
next week is de mock-prelims..
after mock-prelims, there are
prelims and de real thing..
den we all can relax a little
before de results are released..
den we'll go to our new schools,
make new friends and study again..
dis is a never-ending cycle..
so scary de way time flies..
lol. i wonder what happens when we die..
will we go to somewhere else
and continue this cycle??
i suppose de people you meet
in your life time is what
matters most.. and what you do
with your time with them..
after all, it is fate that made
us cross path with each other..
everyday, we pass by so many people,
yet we barely know who they are..
so we should realy treasure those around us..
i've made some great friends in these 4 years.
and i quiet agree with what my sister said..
de best friends you'll have are from sec sch.
after secondary school, time will probably
fly even faster.. with only 2-3 yrs to make
friends and make life work..
i hope a few yrs from now, my friends will
still remember me, or better, keep in contact
with me :)
craps.. i only wish i could be a little
more motivated to work harder.. lol.
all in all, i hope that i'll have fun
living in this life time.. ^o^
posted by SpoinkAgeat