Kaizoku Forever!!

hmm.. pirates3 left me feeling confused,
not because i dont understand but rather
because i dont know how i feel about it..
Capt.JackSparrow was hot and cool
but i think it was dumb when Calypso
grew huge.. All in all i love Capt.Jack :)
Chinese o'level is over, but i'm feeling
kinda scared bout it.. hope i do good
in de oral..
Many birthdays coming up..
Chujun's, Azlan's, Shiyun's and JianXiang's..
sigh.. cant believe Pirates is over..
now i feel so sad and empty. lol
i wonder when will JohnnyDepp's
next movie be.. mayybe dis time
he'll be king of some unknown country..
craps.. got lots of stuff to study for de
o'levels that are coming soon..
cant wait for it to be over..
time seems to be flying so fast..
posted by SpoinkAgeat