Monday, October 16, 2006

still alive

what a day... i got back all my results except for english.
chinese -> 74
emath -> 73?
physics -> 62
geography -> 59
chemistry -> 56.5
social studies -> 50
history -> 40
amath -> 33

my worst ever!!! T.T
hope i dont need tution.
my friends are like 'OMG
i only need 1 mark to A1!'
sigh... don wanna talk le.
actually i just updated to
let people who still care
for me know that i'm alive.

weirdly, my ma is in a good
mood despite my results...
wonder whats up wif her...
she even let me go far east
wif my mates... WEIRD!

off to watch Chobits! ^o^

p.s. ate subway today! yum!


posted by SpoinkAgeat